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My Passion Is To Deliver Successful Results

I'll do what I say I'll do. Sometimes more, but never less.

I have 20 Years of experience in Business Analytics, Market and Business Forecasting, Sales, Marketing, Negotiating, effective execution of the plan and working with people internationally along with a keen passion for Real Estate. Below are my Credentials and Awards which simply made many of my Clients financially very successful and very wealthy and many of them are very average middle class people but not anymore! 

medallion big

2018 Medallion Club Winner ( Top 10 percent among approximately 14,000 Realtors of REBGV ( Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver )



Over 50 Million /1 Billion Dollars worth of Residential / Commercial Real Estate SOLD and Managed Globally
Degree in Real Estate Investments, Asset Management , Sales, Marketing and Negotiations from Cornell University

Certified Professional in Real Estate Trading services and Licensing from University of British Columbia
Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, equivalency from Simon Fraser University

15 Years of Directorial/ Executive level Experience with Top Notch Global Luxury Hotel Companies  ( Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, Intercontinental Hotels Group, shangri-La Hotels and Resorts ) specializing in Business Intelligence, Analytics, Market and Business Forecasting, Revenue Strategy and Management, Strategy Execution, Sales, Marketing, Negotiations, managed and achieved multi-million dollar Budgets ranging from 500 Million to 1 Billion
Using my Skills , Achievements, Education and Awards in Real Estate for my client's best benefit everyday and my Clients have benefited with tremendous financial success. References available upon request.


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